Am looking for sources to design step down high current transformers. Fero-resonant is not an option.
How do you design a step down transformer?
I recommend J. B. Calvert's web page for step-down transformer design.
Reply:Transformer designs
Main article: Autotransformer
An autotransformer has only a single winding, which is tapped at some point along the winding. AC or pulsed voltage is applied across a portion of the winding, and a higher (or lower) voltage is produced across another portion of the same winding. For voltage ratios not exceeding about 3:1, an autotransformer is less costly, lighter, smaller and more efficient than a two-winding transformer of a similar rating.
By exposing part of the winding coils and making the secondary connection through a sliding brush, an autotransformer with a near-continuously variable turns ratio can be obtained, allowing for very small increments of voltage.
Polyphase transformers
For three-phase power, three separate single-phase transformers can be used, or all three phases can be connected to a single polyphase transformer. The three primary windings are connected together and the three secondary windings are connected together.
The Y-Δ transform is a mathematical technique to simplify analysis of an electrical network.
The most common connections are Y-Δ, Δ-Y, Δ-Δ and Y-Y. A vector group indicates the configuration of the windings and the phase angle difference between them. If a winding is connected to earth (grounded), the earth connection point is usually the center point of a Y winding. There are many possible configurations that may involve more or fewer than six windings and various tap connections.
Resonant transformers
A resonant transformer is one that operates at the resonant frequency of one or more of its coils. The resonant coil, usually the secondary, acts as an inductor, and is connected in series with a capacitor. If the primary coil is driven by a periodic source of alternating current, such as a square or sawtooth wave, each pulse of current helps to build up an oscillation in the secondary coil. Due to resonance, a very high voltage can develop across the secondary, until it is limited by some process such as electrical breakdown. These devices are therefore used to generate high alternating voltages. The current available from this type of coil can be much larger than that from electrostatic machines such as the Van de Graaff generator and Wimshurst machine. They also run at a higher operating temperature than standard units.
Tesla coil
Oudin coil (or Oudin resonator; named after its inventor Paul Oudin)
D'Arsonval apparatus
ignition coil or induction coil used in the ignition system of a petrol engine
Flyback transformer of a CRT television set or video monitor.
Other applications of resonant transformers are as coupling between stages of a superheterodyne receiver, where the selectivity of the receiver is provided by the tuned transformers of the intermediate-frequency amplifiers.
A voltage regulating transformer uses a resonant winding and allows part of the core to go into saturation on each cycle of the alternating current. This effect stabilizes the output of the regulating transformer, which can be used for equipment that is sensitive to variations of the supply voltage. Saturating transformers provide a simple rugged method to stabilize an ac power supply. However, due to the hysteresis losses accompanying this type of operation, efficiency is low.
Instrument transformers
Current transformers
Current transformers used as part of metering equipment for three-phase 400 ampere electricity supplyA current transformer is designed to provide a current in its secondary which is accurately proportional to the current flowing in its primary.
Current transformers are commonly used in electricity meters to facilitate the measurement of large currents which would be difficult to measure more directly.
Care must be taken that the secondary of a current transformer is not disconnected from its load while current is flowing in the primary as in this circumstance a very high voltage would be produced across the secondary.
Current transformers are often constructed with a single primary turn either as an insulated cable passing through a toroidal core, or else as a bar to which circuit conductors are connected.
Voltage transformers
Voltage transformers (also known as potential transformers) are used in the electricity supply industry to measure accurately the voltage being supplied. They are designed to present negligible load to the voltage being measured.
Pulse transformers
A pulse transformer is a transformer that is optimised for transmitting rectangular electrical pulses (that is, pulses with fast rise and fall times and a constant amplitude). Small versions called signal types are used in digital logic and telecommunications circuits, often for matching logic drivers to transmission lines. Medium-sized power versions are used in power-control circuits such as camera flash controllers. Larger power versions are used in the electrical power distribution industry to interface low-voltage control circuitry to the high-voltage gates of power semiconductors such as TRIACs, IGBTs, thyristors and MOSFETs. Special high voltage pulse transformers are also used to generate high power pulses for radar, particle accelerators, or other pulsed power applications.
To minimise distortion of the pulse shape, a pulse transformer needs to have low values of leakage inductance and distributed capacitance, and a high open-circuit inductance. In power-type pulse transformers, a low coupling capacitance (between the primary and secondary) is important to protect the circuitry on the primary side from high-powered transients created by the load. For the same reason, high insulation resistance and high breakdown voltage are required. A good transient response is necessary to maintain the rectangular pulse shape at the secondary, because a pulse with slow edges would create switching losses in the power semiconductors.
The product of the peak pulse voltage and the duration of the pulse (or more accurately, the voltage-time integral) is often used to characterise pulse transformers. Generally speaking, the larger this product, the larger and more expensive the transformer.
RF transformers
Coils with
TicklerFor radio frequency use, transformers are sometimes made from configurations of transmission line, sometimes bifilar or coaxial cable, wound around ferrite cores. This style of transformer gives an extremely wide bandwidth, however only a limited number of ratios (such as 1:9, 1:4 or 1:2) can be achieved with this technique. The ferrite increases the inductance dramatically while also lowering its Q factor. The cores of such transformers help performance at the lower frequency end of the band. This style of transformer is frequently used as an impedance matching balun to convert from 300 ohm balanced to 75 ohm unbalanced in FM receivers. Some RF transformers use a tickler feed-back, or regeneration device, in the circuit to properly couple the transformer secondary.
Audio transformers
Transformers are used in audio to match impedances. This is more necessary with valves/vacuum tubes than with solid-state circuitry, as solid-state components can be used in more flexible circuit arrangements.
Audio transformers are usually the factor which limit sound quality; electronic circuits with wide frequency response and low distortion are relatively simple to design.
A particularly critical component is the output transformer of an audio power amplifier. Valve circuits for quality reproduction have long been produced with no other (inter-stage) audio transformers, but an output transformer is needed to couple the relatively high impedance of the output valve(s) to the low impedance of a loudspeaker. (The valves can deliver a low current at a high voltage; the speakers require high current at low voltage.) For good low-frequency response a relatively large iron core is required; high power handling increases the required core size. Low distortion requires iron of adequate properties; special cores with oriented magnetic domains are used for best results. Good high-frequency response requires carefully designed and implemented windings without excessive stray capacitance. All this makes for an expensive component.
Output transformerless audio power valve amplifiers are possible (e;g, a design by Julius Futterman, but were rarely used due to other disadvantages.
Early transistor audio power amplifiers often had output transformers, but they were eliminated as designers came to grips with the new technology.
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