Thursday, July 30, 2009

What are some current advancements in the field of "intelligent design"?

I am always hearing about discoveries that support Evolution, but never seem to hear about any discoveries in intelligent design. In what magazine can I read about them?

What are some current advancements in the field of "intelligent design"?
It's not a field, it's simply an observation. It's just the idea that life looks more like something that was designed than something that happened purely by chance. What are current advancements in the field of "tree leaves look green"?
Reply:Nothing ever. They haven't done any research, which they freely admit, having spent all their time trying to get their idea into schools instead (which is usually the last step, not the first). They haven't published anything in existing science journals, but they started their own journal so they could publish. That's usually not a good sign. But I think it's called the Creation Science Journal or something like that if you're really interested.
Reply:Evolution is actually a bunch of biological facts that give us an idea of how we became who we are. It doesn't let us know who or what made us. It should be taught by the facts alone and not by emphasizing that it is denouncing a god in which might or might not exist. I think it is wrong to teach intelligent design the same way we teach science because science is factual and ever growing as we find out more about our world. Intelligent design holds no factual evidence even when it is broken down in bits and pieces. Would you allow Witch Doctors to teach our Medical Students? I didn't think so, lets keep science and religion seperate!!!
Reply:You don't normally, because they usually get "Expelled."

You could take a look a some of these:

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