Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How would you summarize a book about engineering design in a 100 words?

How would you summarize a book about engineering design in a 100 words?

I just don't know what to write. The book is called ' Engineering Design' by Geroge E. Dieter and it basically describes what Engineering design is. I don't know how I can possibly summarize that in a 100 words!!

How would you summarize a book about engineering design in a 100 words?
engineering design should be in its most simple form and esthethically pleasing. the principle of architecture can be applied too, that is "form follows function" and "less is more." a prudent engineer should also follow ethics of it's own discipline and not only responsible for his design but to society as well. an engineer should bring forth the betterment of humanity and improves the life of human being by applying scientific knowledge. an average engineer should remember about 50,000 pieces of knowledge. an engineer is responsible for introducing new technology and materials to industries. an engineer must also able to solve engineering problems that he created.

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