Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How can I design a coal-fired power plant given 100 MW to be distributed by a transmission company?

i need a thermodynamic cycle. This is for my power plant design course. Hope you can help me.

How can I design a coal-fired power plant given 100 MW to be distributed by a transmission company?
Seriously, if you need to rely on a bunch of 12 year olds on Yahoo Answers to help with this then maybe you are in the wrong course. You could read a course text book perhaps? They have like information and stuff.
Reply:iagd1 is right...it takes 5 years course in engineering. Years in Experience in plant design and some associates engineers to design a 100mw plant...and a lot of design books.
Reply:dont over-think this.

what are the most common type of power plants? forget about the source of heat.......

Gas Turbines (Brayton Cycle)

Obviously your contributors are just looking for the 2 points and dont know anything about thermo.
Reply:You can design a coal-fired power plant if you has a education. If not you need money to order this job to consultant or direct to contractor.

I can help you therefore let me know:

1- calory of coal

2- kind of water use for cooling

3- your budget

3- did you has a power purchase agrement?

Kind regards

Pnt TT Singarimbun

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